"Shaitaan" is a 2024 Indian supernatural horror thriller film that's been making waves in the Bollywood scene. Directed by Vikas Bahl and produced by Devgn Films, Jio Studios, and Panorama Studios, the movie boasts an impressive cast, including Ajay Devgn, R. Madhavan, Jyothika, Janki Bodiwala, and Anngad Raaj.
The plot revolves around a family's terrifying encounter with black magic. Kabir Rishi, played by Ajay Devgn, and his wife Jyoti, played by Jyothika, notice something strange happening to their daughter Janhvi after she meets an enigmatic stranger, Vanraj Kashyap, played by R. Madhavan. As the story unfolds, the family discovers that Vanraj has hypnotized Janhvi through black magic, and they must fight to save her and uncover Vanraj's sinister motives.
About Shaitan (2024) Movie -
Release Date: March 8, 2024
Box Office: Grossed ₹211.06 crore worldwide, making it the ninth highest-grossing Indian film of 2024.
Reception: Received positive reviews from critics, with many praising the film's atmosphere and performances.
Soundtrack: Composed by Amit Trivedi, with popular singles like "Khushiyaan Bator Lo" and "Aisa Main Shaitaan".